For Rick’s Cooking School, I created a new website from scratch. He originally had a self-made website on Wix which was hard to navigate and had a clunky user interface. My goal was to create a clean design with easy-to-use admin features for the owner. From the project proposal to the prototype to user testing, I worked with the owner throughout the whole process. Below are some screenshots or you can go to the website.

  • Connected to database to retrieve and display most recently added recipe as featured – same for weekly meals and classes
  • Used jQuery on change method to dynamically search recipes
  • Utilized JOIN clauses through intersection tables to display categories – this created a simple and organized database
  • Incorporated search bar in navigation if user wants to search via name or description
  • Created a session variable to check whether user is an admin – if so, display add options in nav bar along with edit and delete options on recipe detail page
  • Connected to database to retrieve and display recipe details – same for weekly meals and classes
  • Performed JOIN clause through intersection tables to display categories
  • Performed subquery with JOIN clause to display similar recipes
  • Added print styling to create an aesthetic print page for each recipe
  • Used jQuery click methods to append and remove ingredient or direction inputs so you can add as many as needed
  • Utilized arrays to store an unknown number of ingredients or directions then insert into database
  • Automatically displayed ingredient or direction number with JavaScript
  • Implemented numbers for each ingredient or direction so admin can easily adjust steps if make a mistake
  • Retrieve recipe details when admin clicks edit button and automatically adds current values to inputs – same for weekly meals and classes
  • Used NOT IN with a subquery to retrieve categories that have not been assigned to the recipe yet
  • Assigned features like popular and healthy to each recipe so admin can dynamically add those to sections on the main recipes page
  • Wrote necessary SQL statements to dynamically retrieve popular categories and popular and recent recipes
  • For design, maintained picture-focused website by adding each recipes’ picture as a background picture
  • Incorporated similar single-recipe design throughout site to establish cohesive feel
  • Integrated with Mailchimp newsletter in order to create an easier newsletter process for admin
  • Implemented php mail function for contact form
  • Forwarded hosted email address to Gmail so admin could receive contact form directly in Gmail account


If you’re interested in working with me, send me a quick message and let me know what I can do for you!